Recruitment beyond obtaining candidates. Learn about Recruitment Compliance.

Recruitment beyond obtaining candidates. Learn about Recruitment Compliance.

If you thought that obtaining candidates was the hardest part of the recruitment process, then you are unfortunately mistaken. While obtaining candidates, reviewing CVs and conducting interviews are major steps in the recruitment process, it is also important to keep recruitment compliance in mind. This might be easy to miss and hence we have explained the What, Why and How behind recruitment compliance.


Recruitment compliance is the adherence to rules and regulations during the hiring process. It ensures that the organization maintains its brand name and get good hires. Additionally, recruitment compliance ensures that candidates are not offended and their data and privacy is maintained during the recruitment process.


It is important to regularly update policies and procedures and maintain recruitment compliance because:

  1. In the evolving landscape of rules and regulations, it is important to stay updated and maintain compliance to avoid penalties, fine or liabilities.
  2. With the increasing stress on diversity and inclusion, compliance ensures there is no discriminatory behavior and candidates are chosen based on their merits, qualifications and skills.
  3. Recruitment compliance ensures the protection of data privacy of individuals who are engaging in the hiring process and makes sure that laws like Information Technology Act, 2000, regarding data protection are upheld
  4. Maintaining the image of a organization is a huge factor that goes into being compliant to recruitment.
  5. Being compliant to recruitment leads to hiring of individuals who are appropriate and a good fit and helps build a strong and productive workforce.

Lastly, it is important to learn how to stay compliant.

Making Hiring Fair: It is important to avoid using discriminatory language during the hiring process. Any references to race, gender and religion should not be made. The hiring process should be carried using objective metrics that involve standardized tests, interviews and structured questions. It is also important to train managers and recruiters to do away with their unconscious bias that might slide in during the hiring process.

Fair Hiring but Within Bounds: In addition to being fair, hiring should also be within the framework of rules and regulations. For example, in India employment of children in hazardous work environments is prohibited and similarly, hiring of children in non-hazardous places is limited by certain rules. It is important to keep such rules in mind. Additionally, equal employment opportunities need to be given to people with disabilities and to women with equal pay. Finally, bonded labor and practices are prohibited. Because rules are constantly evolving it is important to stay updated especially comply with the minimum wage policies.

Record Keeping and Onboarding: It is important to keep in mind the verification methods and verify identity and address with the Aadhar Card when needed. The business needs to be properly registered with contributions to provident fund and employees should be able to employee insurance schemes. Also, all the employee records need to be maintained.

Securing Data: Lastly, while it is important to know the candidates well during the hiring process, it is important to maintain their data privacy. Before conducting a background check, it is important to obtain a written consent and make sure that the checks happen within the limits of protecting data and privacy. The scope and purpose of the background check should be outlined and followed.

In conclusion, compliance to policies during recruitment is not just an unnecessary add on that it might initially feel. It is an important step in the recruitment process and helps companies get good hires while maintaining rules and functioning.

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