Hiring as a startup? Here is what you need to know

Hiring as a startup? Here is what you need to know

Now that you are a startup, the tables have turned and instead of looking for jobs, its your time to hire. It might be exciting or stressful, so let's make it simpler with a few tricks.

Marketing and Marketing

Remember that as a startup in India, you are not only competing for money but also for talent. To attract people, you need to be present on digital marketing platforms to show what you do and get people interested in you. You are not only marketing for customers but for talent. Smart people will be attracted to you once they see what interesting stuff you are up to.

Pro Tip: As a founder, people associate your personal brand image with that of the startup. So, creating a personal brand image will go a long way. Share a blog, write on LinkedIn, share your experiences- in short be present online.

Networking in and out:

A lot of hires can be made through your own network or the network of your employees. Remember while hiring the initial set of employees, getting someone with a good network is always beneficial. Afterall, people know other people who might know someone interested in your job. So, build a strong network and use social media to your advantage.

Pro tip: Next time you want to put out opportunities on your social media, think of the context. Want to hire developers? Go to a developer's circle and so on.

Writing Job Descriptions the Swoon worthy Way:

Don't stick to old-generic boring job descriptions that detail each and every task. Stick to the point, be clear. Write the descriptions as they are meant for a human being. Try to skip the passive voice and use words like “you” and “we”. Keep it chatty and friendly and try to avoid the corporate tone.

Pro tip: Use the About Company part to list about things that make the company special. Highlight the company culture so that people want to work for you.

Hiring Heroes:

The first hires of the company will establish how things go. Hence, I cannot emphasize enough how essential the first hires are. Especially when getting the first 20 employees, make sure they are great instead of being just average and available.

Pro tip: Use behavioral question to hire for attitude and potential rather than specific knowledge. Technical skills can be taught but it will be hard to instill enthusiasm and ethics.

In conclusion, navigating the hiring process as a startup can be daunting, yet crucial for long-term success. The initial hires serve as the cornerstone, shaping both the financial trajectory and the organizational culture. Therefore, prioritizing a meticulous and thoughtful approach to hiring, rather than rushing through it, is paramount. Remember, patience is indispensable; just as building the startup required time and dedication, so too does assembling the right team. By exercising mindfulness, thoroughness, and patience, startups can position themselves for sustainable growth and prosperity.

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