Firing a Team member: How to Navigate these Tough Decisions

Firing a Team member: How to Navigate these Tough Decisions

Letting someone go can be tough decision for you and your team. But don't worry, we have your back. Let's break it down into three steps.

The Decision

Before you let someone go, it is important to make the decision. You can do that by asking yourself three essential questions.

Is your startup growing??

volution and growth are great!! But this also means that as your startup is growing some employees are no longer fit for their roles. Sometimes you might want to assign them a different role but if your company is really outgrown the skills of your employee, if is time to let go.

Are things rapidly changing??

Like growth, there might be changes to certain divisions or you might pivot your goals. Unfortunately, there might be instances when certain sections need to be shut down due to external factors. In such cases, as employees are no longer needed or do not fit anymore, it's time to let them go.

Are there issues??

Non-performance is an obvious issue. If some employees are underperformers and you feel like you made a bad hire, you should let them go. However, there might be great performers who are underperforming and in such case it's a good idea to talk to them and figure out a solution. What about great performers with a negative attitude? This is tricky. They might be getting good output but their behaviour can ruin the company culture. Once again, talk it out and if things seem to go south, it's time to let them go.

The Alternatives

Letting someone go is a huge setback for the employee as well as cost to your team. Here are some alternatives to consider...


We cannot emphasize enough the wonders that feedback can do. If an employee is underperforming it might be because they do not understand needs of the startup or are struggling due to personal reasons or lack of motivation. Providing direct, kind and constructive feedback helps create possibility for improvement and performance.

Consider a new role

With growth and changes in your startup, there might be new roles that your current employee is a good fit for. If they seem like a nice fit, it might a good idea to reassess and reassign responsibilities.

The Final Draw

With growth and changes in your startup, there might be new roles that your current employee is a good fit for. If they seem like a nice fit, it might a good idea to reassess and reassign responsibilities.

Be firm

When communicating your decision, be firm and outline the reasons why you are letting them go. Do not fall for the "please give me a last chance" trap and do not budge in your decision.

Act immediately

Once you have made the decision, it is good to act immediately. Delaying the action of firing can cost you a lot. While communicating, make sure you ask them to leave the same day instead of "take 2 weeks to pack up"

Talk to your team

Letting someone go can lower the morale of the rest of your team and create fear of layoff. It is important to be transparent and talk to your team and let them know why the particular employee was let go. Remember to address any anxieties that certain members might express.

Making the decision to let someone go is never easy, but by following some of these steps with care and empathy, you can navigate the process while minimizing disruption to your team.

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